The dairy farmer a couple towns over finally had a couple bull calves this weekend. So I went on over and picked up a Jersey/Holstein cross. What a cutie! He's pretty spunky. Both the farmer and his wife were so sweet. The farmer had a great way to get the cow to get attached to the calf. Usually it's a bit of a fight, but he said to put milk replacer (what usual dairies feed their calves because they take them away from their mother) on his back. She'll smell it and want to lick it because it smells so sweet. And it does! It smells like cake batter. I went a head and did that, but with Gert I don't think it made that much of a difference. Her calf though (who we desperately need to name!) was just staring at the new calf. It reminded me of a picture of my brother and two nephews, when Little E was born. My bro was in the middle, holding the newborn Little E in one arm and Little G in the other. Little G had this look on his face, "What the F&!% is that!?"
They have adjusted well, and I got the new calf to nurse off Gert today. It took a little bit, but he caught on. He's so sweet, I have to think of a good name for him.
Milk Replacer Baby!!
This is my, "What the F&%$!" Picture
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