"To be fearless isn't really to overcome fear. It's to come to know it's nature."

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The journey of a single woman, farming and living life without judgement.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Happy Friday!

How Am I Trusting?

I'm trusting people who are honest this week.  Honesty is the most important aspect of a human being for me.  And I tend to loose a lot of respect for people who are not honest.  And I feel like in order to be honest with others you have to be honest with yourself.  And if you can't be honest with yourself, then how are you living your life?  

Anyway, today I helped a coworker (I'll call him Deere because he always wears a John Deere hat) talk to our boss about how our boss reacted to him today in front of everyone.  I was shocked to witness this behavior by our boss, and jumped in the cut him off from beating Deere with words.  I talked to Deere later today and encouraged him to talk to our boss about how that made him feel.  Deere did, and our boss appreciated it and apologized.  

How Am I Grateful?

I'm grateful for honesty (there might be a theme here this week).  Last night Lakes and I went out.  It was WONDERFUL.  We both had so much fun.  Lakes and I have worked together for 3 years now, and have formed a very lovely relationship.  We are able to work together well, be grumpy around each other and not take offense, tell each other how we are feeling that day, and then go out and have fun and not think about work.  Last night when we went out, we promised that we'd always be honest with each other about how we are feeling about our job and our feelings about how each of us is handling our job.  It feels good knowing that we are going to continue our honest relationship.

How Am I Inspired?

By honesty!  How I feel when I'm honest with another person and with myself, is such a wonderful feeling.  Separating it from the reason why I am being honest, I'm always happy that I am honest.  Because like I said, if I'm not honest then how am I living my life?

How Am I Practicing Faith?

Don't mistake that I'm rude or negative in my honesty.  I practice empathy in my honesty - that's important.  Even though honesty is one of the most difficult things to do, I have faith that I am doing the right thing when I'm honest.  


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